Galvanic DO Sensor

Galvanic DO Sensor

Rugged Solid State. TOSHCON-TOSHNIWAL Dissolved Oxygen sensor with quick reaction and high accuracy monitors dissolved oxygen and temperature (0-50°C) over long periods of time with no maintenance. A dissolved oxygen electrode measures the amount of oxygen dissolved in a solution. The amount of free, non-compound oxygen in a product is a significant quality indicator for many types of labs, including those involved in pharmaceutical research, food and beverage quality control, and environmental monitoring. We develop galvanic electrodes for precise DO readings in a variety of laboratory settings.


Rugged solid state TOSHCON-TOSHNIWAL Dissolved oxygen sensor with quick reaction and good accuracy monitors dissolved oxygen and temperature (0-50°C) over long periods of time with no maintenance required. A dissolved oxygen electrode measures how much oxygen is dissolved in a solution. The amount of free, non-compound oxygen in a product is a significant indicator of quality for many types of labs, including those involved in pharmaceutical research, food and beverage quality control, and environmental monitoring. We develop galvanic electrodes for precise DO readings in a variety of scientific applications.